Tips for going green

Australia's climate is warming. Sea levels are rising and we are experiencing changes in climate patterms, with more frequent and intense weather events. According to the Australian Government, each year, the average Australian household is responsible for producing approximately 14 tonnes of greenhouse gase - with most generated from energy use.

Below are some tips on how you can make changes to improve the efficiency and performance of your home. Help the environment, but also save money on your energy bill.

> Install AAA-rated showerheads (they can save around 10 litres of water a minute) and switch to water saving devices like dual-flush toilets, tap aerators and other flow regulators in your taps and showerheads
> Install energy-efficient lighting, such as compact florescent bulbs and turn off lights when you leave a room
> Switch off appliances at the power point instead of leaving them on 'stand-by'
> Install a solar hot water system and make energy efficiency top priority for the booster or back-up
> Consider installing solar electricity if building or renovating a home
> Turn down the heater when you're asleep or away from home and before adjusting the thermostat, put some extra clothes on. Extra insulation in the walls and the ceilings will also help keep the heat in
> Turn your heater down by one degree can reduce your bill by 10%