- Australia's population growth: births exceed 300,000 a year.
- Australia recorded 301,000 births for the year ending 30 June 2009 according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Australia's total fertility rate reached a 30 year high
- A population growth rate of 2.1% was recorded for the year ending 30 June 2009, up from 1.7% recorded last year - this is the highest growth rate in 40 years (2.1% in 1969).
- New South Wales: 7,100,000
- Western Australia: 2,237,000
- Victoria: 5,428,000
- Tasmania: 502,600
- Queensland: 4,407,000
- Northern Territory: 224,800
- South Australia: 1,623,000
- Australian Capital Territory: 351,200
Tony Richards, Head of the Economic Analysis Department at the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), says that based on an average growth rate of 2.1%, the demand for new dwellings will be 165,000 each year. However, 'it's unlikely this demand will be met as we're only building around 130,000 new dwellings annually, meaning a shortfall of around 35,000 each year, adding to our already existing housing shortfall.'
Here's another fact - did you know that the State Planning for South East Queensland stipulates that up to sixty 20-storey towers need to be built every year in Brisbane alone to accommodate the 1.5 million people projected to move to the booming region over the next 20 years.
So now is a great time to invest in Brisbane property. As a property investor, if you own real estate close to the CBD, you will be rewarded with rising values and increasing rents, especially if you take a longer term view of investment.
We have investment properties currently available for the astute property investor. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to purchase a property in Australia. We have a range of real estate developments in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Cairns.