Borrowers favour mortgage brokers ahead of banks

According to the latest Bankwest/MFAA Home Index, mortgage brokers are beating the banks in overall customer satisfaction, with the majority of customers stating they would use a mortgage broker in order to have a reliable point of contact and get the best home loan product for their needs.

The Home Index showed that customer satisfaction with mortgage brokers has climbed 5% since this time last year, from seven out of 10 to 7.5.

Bankwest’s head of broker sales Aaron Milburn said “interestingly, the research shows it’s the 30 to 39 year olds who will most likely use a broker, with just over a third (38.8 per cent) saying they’d go straight to a professional when seeking out a home loan.”

If you are thinking of getting a home loan, speak to a mortgage broker first. Mortgage brokers do all the research and legwork for you and will look after your best interests and find a home loan that suits your needs. Speak to a mortgage broker from Intellichoice on +61 7 3624 1900 for more details.