According to a survey conducted by Colliers International, major commercial property investors are confident the Australian market will outperform any other market in the world. However, investors say that access to finance is still a problem due to the continuing tight lending criteria from the banks.
The survey showed that confidence in Australia’s market far exceeded Canada, the US, Asia, South America and Western Europe. Investors believed markets in these other countries were yet to hit bottom, whereas Australia had already begun its recovery.
Colliers’ managing director of investment sales, John Marasco, said that Australia’s investment market would really take off in the second half of the year.
“Eighty-one per cent of global investors are looking to buy domestic property in the next 12 months,” he said.
“Ignoring risk, Australia’s office sector was still the preferred investment choice, followed by China’s retail sector, Australian retail and US office.”
If you are looking to buy property in Australia, speak to one of the property advisors at Intellichoice. Intellichoice has access to investment properties in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. In addition, the properties are already FIRB approved, so foreign investors don't need to worry about any added stress or hassle of having to fill out extra paperwork. Intellichoice can also assist with home loans or development finance for property developers.