Should you get a unit or a house?

There are a huge range of options to consider when investing in property, but at the top of everyone's list is whether they should invest in a house or an apartment.

Each have their own advantages and disadvantages which you should take into consideration:

  • Many first home buyers and investors buy apartments due to the lower price range when compared to a freestanding dwelling and the convenience to amenities, employment centres, entertainment and lifestyle precincts
  • Many inner city apartments are conveniently located within walking distance to universities, employment and other amenities
  • Rental yield from an apartment can offer decent returns, but capital growth lags behind a freestanding house
  • Many inner city apartments close to universities and other educational institutes are benefiting from strong offshore student demand and the anecdotal trend of baby boomers downsizing
  • Costs of owning a unit include council rates, taxes and strata or bordy corporate fees. There may also be additional costs involved if body corporate decide to refurbish the building
Freestanding house
  • You have security over land, which allows for a range of subdivision and development uses
  • Freehold houses are generally considered to be the better growth investment but not always the better income earner
  • Cost of ownership with a house include council rates and taxes
If you are thinking of buying an investment property, speak to one of the property and finance advisors at Intellichoice today. Intellichoice has a wide range of Australian properties all around Australia and can also assist with a home loan, investment loan and home insurance. Call 1300 55 10 45 or email for more details.