Exit fees on a home loan vary widely

The average early exit fee for all mortgage lenders in year one of a home loan contract is $1582.

The exit fee on a home loan will range widely depending on your lender, for example:
  • $250 for Bendigo Bank 
  • $11,290 for BEAT Home Loans
  • Opportune Home Loans, with a $6950 fee in year one
  • Reduce Home Loans charge $5400 exit fees on a home loan
  • $4350 for AMP Banking 
  • New Loan charge an exit fee of $4100
  • Rams charge $3925 exit fees
  • $3900 for Homestar ($3900)
 Most early exit fees on a home loan reduce over time, so that in year five of the mortgage contract the average for all lenders is approximately $590.