Spring clean your finances

  • Check your bank statements to make sure you are only paying for what you should
  • Check your loan documents to ensure your lender has calculated the interest correctly
  • Take the time to review your telephone accounts to make sure you are only paying for what you use. Check for any hidden facilities or service charges that you are not using. If you are out of contract on your mobile phone, shop around to see who now has the best deal. Often, the deal you got 12 months ago has been out performed by one of their competitors
  • Take the time to use a one page yearly calendar and write down your meter readings for your water and electricity on the first of each month to check every once in a while against your bills
  • Make sure you get new comparison quotes on insurances for your house, income, life, medical, motor vehicle and landlord's insurance when they are due. Alternatively, speak to Intellichoice about insurance cover and get them to source out the best policy for you – they will do all the legwork for you and ensure that you get an insurance plan that suits your needs
  • Check and consolidate your superannuation policies. See if you have any lost super by visiting the many websites available to help your search. Check out www.unclaimedsuper.com.au, www.ato.gov.au/superseeker and www.findmysuper.com.au
  • Save a few dollars each week for the children’s education
  • Open a Christmas Club account and start saving for those Christmas expenses now
  • Put a few dollars away each week for a holiday or a day out to spoil yourself
  • If you haven’t done a financial health-check already, now is the time to call Intellichoice and we can discuss whether you still have the best loan solution for you based on the current market and your most recent financial circumstances. We can assist you with debt consolidation, budgeting, savings tips and more, but this will of course depend on your current financial situation.